The bizzou’s

We are Issmail and SaraJane Bizzou. An Amazigh and an American making home in Marrakech and in a tiny village tucked in the High Atlas mountains with 2 darling sons. The story of how we came to “be” is both as old as time and an adventure worthy of a storybook. Together we make up Ansmoon, a multifaceted endeavor with the aim of cultivating connection. It is our way of connecting folks to the communities we feel so fortunate to be apart of.

“Ansmoon” is how the word gather is expressed in the Amazigh (Berber) dialect Techelhait, Issmail’s mother tongue. We serve travelers who wish to collaborate and design their ideal experiences in Morocco, fine tuning personalized itineraries of all shapes and sizes. We are tour leaders for academic groups looking for unique and immersive study abroad experiences. Lastly, we curate collections and oversee the design and production of traditional Moroccan handicrafts.


SaraJane was born and raised in the South Carolina Lowcountry. Upon finishing her studies in philosophy and studio art at the College of Charleston, she worked for Whole Foods Market doing team building and community outreach before making the transition to expat life in 2016. She found Morocco to be the perfect place to pursue her love of traditional handicrafts, food, and adventure. She and Issmail have been chasing down ways to fuse their unique lifestyles with those who also have the magic and insatiable itch, ever since. She is happiest out on the open road, in the garden, prepping food in the kitchen with her babies underfoot, and never without a bottomless pot of tea! Truly, we can’t wait to connect with you.


A little bit more about us

Issmail was born and raised in a small village in the High Atlas mountains. After finishing his studies he completed training and became a licensed national guide in 2009. He worked for several international tour companies, and after 10 years of gathering experience he decided to create his own version of adventures by focusing on real life experiences and connecting to the local community with personalized itineraries. From hiking and trekking, city tours, culinary explorations, to surfing and yoga, the options are endless. He has a deep love for his country and demonstrates it by focusing on responsible and sustainable travel and giving back to the communities he is honored to be a part of.
